One of the first things is get a bag that you like to carry. This can be a backpack or some type of shoulder bag. If you know that you are going to push a stroller, make sure the bag will fit in the stroller's undercarriage. Also, you don't want the bag to be too big to sit nicely at your feet while you are on a ride. The likelihood is that you will store your valuables in the bag so it is going to stay with you all day. Don't assume your stroller is safe, I've seen them disappear....not stolen just mixed-up with its owner.
You might be thinking, I have the Dining Plan, why do I need to bring snacks? Well the answer is simple. I've learned that if I have kids waiting in line and they start melting, I can reach for a pack of crackers and their blood sugar levels return to normal and they are pleasant again. If you have the Dining Plan, use your snack credits for fun times such as that special cupcake, a treat late at night upon arrival back to your room or popcorn during the Beauty and the Beast performance.

First Aid Items
Disney does a great job of taking care of guests while on Disney property. There are first aid stations located throughout the park. However, sometimes it is easier to keep these on hand yourself. It's easy for little ones to get a scraped knee or a bug bite.

Gum, Cough Drops, etc.
For some of us, it is inevitable that we catch a cold either right before or upon arrival to the Parks. Also, for those with allergies, the "magical effects" can sometimes have a dry effect on us!

Wipes, Disinfectant Hand Sanitizer
Even if you don't have little ones in your bunch, these are both a must. I've used wipes for everyone in the family after sharing a powdered sugar funnel cake in the Magic Kingdom. Also, even if it isn't cold/flu season in your hometown, there are people from all over the world visiting Disney.

Blankets, Sweatshirts, Poncho
If you plan to visit during the Holidays and Winter season it is amazing how quickly these sell out. Once you get near the water shows, lakes or a ferry ride, you'll realize the air temperature drops dramatically.

Sunglasses & Sunscreen
Remember you are in a sunny location and the best place on Earth. Make the most of protecting loved ones with plenty of sunglasses and sunscreen.

Light up toys
I found these at the Dollar store...glow in the dark pirate sword and princess wand. I just couldn't resist. It is best to come prepared for these during so many nighttime shows. Next trip, we are going to use Velcro strips and LED lights on the stroller for extra fun!
Don't forget to take your iPhone or other smartphone into the Parks with you. Magic Bands are coming soon and you can make Fastpass reservations as well as snap as much video and pictures of those not-to-miss memories. Bon Voyage!
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